Sunday, August 30, 2009

Chicha, Chicharon and Llama-Meat

Today I had the pleasure of testing out several types of typical Cochabambino-food. It started off with Llama-Meat at Noon, then Chicharon, which is cerf, or "Wildschwein" in the afternoon, and - very unfortunately- also Chicha, Bolivian beer brewed on a maiz-basis. Unlike the two former, the latter was pretty disgusting. Yuk. (Especially since I know how it is made.. the detailed description of which I shall keep to myself, to save the appreciated reader some stomach turmoil. Suffice to say, making Chicha it is not the cleanest form of beer brewing.)

In the morning, I went to the "Cristo de la Concordia" with Feli, an indigenous girl living and working in the house of my host parents. We had to walk up the hill by ourselves, since the teleférico ("Sessellift") was out of service. Boy do I hate stairs..Especially if there is at least a thousand of them!!

Sadly my camera died on me during this adventure, so I have only very few pictures, and I can only post them later when I have recharged the batteries.

Also, another very interesting observation, to conclude today's posting: Bolivian cars do not have safety belts. For some obscure reason. I think most of them are simply too old, and back in the fifties, safety belts didnt belong to the standard equipment of cars, so most of them still dont have them today. Kinda scary, considering the fact that there is only one rule on Bolivian streets: The strong eats the weak...

1 comment:

  1. Jaa, da ist es gut, dass Du dort wohl niemals selbst ein Auto lenken wirst. Vielleicht ist es überhaupt besser soviel wie möglich zu Fuß zu gehen?? Und wie kann man denn einen Tagesausflug machen ohne vorher nachzusehen, ob die Akkus voll sind??? Tzzzz....... Naja, immerhin.. Fotos kommen ja angeblich noch und überhaupt, hat es sich also doch noch ausgezahlt, dass Du Dir einen Tagesrucksack gekauft hast... den benötigt man ja in der Regel, wenn man mal etwas zu Fuß geht ;-) Tatsächlich also wäre Bergsteigen nix für Dich! :-)

    Hoffe, Du bekommst das Ameisenproblem in den Griff - heute ist Wohnungsübergabe in München.... Deine Miezis schlafen nachts übrigens neuerdings bei Papa im Bett - Bebe am Fußende und Minki auf dem Kopfkissen :-))

    Bussiii...... Maam
