Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kudos to Comteco

This is only a very short update, since I have spent the night awake and am dead tired now, after preparing my workshop at Atillka's tomorrow. I have finally ended up getting highspeed internet here. After talking to my host family and choosing a new service, we have gone and changed up the contract to something a little more viable. (Obviously it was me paying for it, but since there really isnt anything to buy down here, spending some money for fast internet to enjoy during a year really doesnt seem like such a bad idea to me.)

Kudos to Comteco, the company we bought it from: After we changed up the contract, the modem modifications didnt work, so we had to get a technician to fix it. It took a whole 5 minutes!! to have someone from the company come to our house, fix it, and even call us up later in the evening to ask how everything went and if we had any problems!

Truthfully, sometimes I wish German companies had that kind of customer support.

1 comment:

  1. OhOh... endlich schnelles Internet! Da gibts jetzt dann bestimmt bald mehr Bilder auf Deinem blog zu sehen, stimmst?? :-) Die Zockergemeinde wird auch aufatmen, dass Du endlich wieder mitmischen kannst ;-) Pass auf, wenn Du in die Staaten fährst, damit nix passiert, gell!! Sonst müssen wir uns da jetzt viele Sorgen machen, wenn Du so mir nix Dir nix in der großen weiten Welt rumtingeltst.

    Bussiiii....... Maam
