So we went out to this Karaoke bar, which was really funny, because everyone sang a song, and some even two. I had Hotel California and Winds of Change, but since they only had spanish lyrics, I had some troubles here and there fitting the lyrics to the melody haha!
After the Karaoke, we went to a discoteca called Deep, and it was also pretty fun. I should get some pictures soon, I'll be returning to the store tomorrow to leave Fernanda my number (As ridiculous as it sounds, I have no idea what my cell phone number is.. I have to look it up at home :P) and I'll also give her my email, so she can send me the pictures.
So, it is 2:15 am now, and I am pretty tired, after a whole evening on high heels. (Not used to dancing in Non-Dance-Shoes anymore, or to High Heels in general... sadly.) Tomorrow I'll go to a concert with Dayana, some Chilenean group is going to play.
Sehr abenteuerlich die Sache........... UND Dein outfit! Hättest Du außerdem - wie von mir vorgeschlagen - das Handbuch Deiner cam mal genauer unter die Lupe genommen, hättest Du gewusst wie man blitzt ohne den "rote-Augen-Effekt" :p
ReplyDeletebussiiii Maam
Dazu haette ich dem Handbuch zunaechst einmal genuegend Bedeutung beimessen muessen, um ihm einen Platz in meinem Rucksack zu reservieren :P